power of habit

three R’s are

make urself belive thet u r already  theer. mindset make half work done.

1> reminder(its make easy to follow the routine)

2> routine

3> reward(every time u sucess u reward urself by saying positive thing to youself)

don’t try to change thing overnite, take a small steps,

dont set the goal deadline instead set the shedule for the goal and stick to it consistently.  Sometime days goes crazy and hard to maintain exact shedule. If cant give 100 of it but make sure what ever best u can make do it. if have not time to go to gym then atleast do 20 pushup and sqad at  home. see u didnt skip the schedule totally it would make large diffference in long run.

how to break bad habit.

Two main reason for your bad habits are Boredom and Stress. These are itself tiggred by something deeper- a fear, a event, or a  limiting belief.

following are the prescribed way to break the bad habit

a) choose sustitute for ur bad habit: like whenever facebook call you write one sentence for work or walk around the dept or talk to colleague about somethinelse apart from work, something fun or talk to girl near you.

b) cut out as many tiggers as possible: When you open browser if it tigger u to open facebook then block facebook in desktop or change password so that its become little hard to open.

c) join the team:

d) visualise yousef succeding:

e) remeber you just no need to be someone u just need to be old one:


1> Transform Your Habit by James Clear.

2> The Power of Habit by Charles Dahigg

Advaita Vedant


Swami Vivekananda 12 January 1863 – 4 July 1902.He was a key figure in the introduction of the Indian philosophies of Vedanta and Yoga to the Western world[4] and is credited with raising interfaith awareness, bringing Hinduism to the status of a major world religion during the late 19th century. He introduced Hinduism at the Parliament of the World’s Religions in Chicago in 1893. He was influenced by his Guru, Ramakrishna Deva, from whom he learnt that all living beings were an embodiment of the divine self; therefore, service to God could be rendered by service to mankind

Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan is philosophy was grounded in Advaita Vedanta, reinterpreting this tradition for a contemporary understanding.5 September 1888 – 17 April 1975.

The Ethics of the Vedanta and its Metaphysical Presuppositions”.[11] It “was intended to be a reply to the charge that the Vedanta system had no room for ethics”. The challenge of Christian critics impelled me to make a study of Hinduism and find out what is living and what is dead in it. My pride as a Hindu, roused by the enterprise and eloquence of Swami Vivekananda, was deeply hurt by the treatment accorded to Hinduism in missionary institutions.